Creating A Great Academic Paper: 5 Tips From A Professional Essay Writer

Writing great academic papers can be made easier by sticking with certain tendencies professional essay writers all follow. Here are five tips to creating academic essays that bring in the top grades:

Make a Timeline

It’s tough to write great essays when you are cramming to get written the night before. It’s a good idea to develop a timeline as soon as you receive your assignment from your instructor. Be sure to include time for research, drafting, revising, proofing and editing. Give yourself a few days in between each of these activities to give you time to rest and return to your work with a fresh set of eyes and clear mind.

Answer the Right Question

Before you start writing your essay, be sure you understand what you are answering and will be writing about. Is it a multiple part question? Are there keywords in the prompt that give you some direction? If you are uncertain with any part of the question prompt then take the time to ask your instructor. He or she may address the entire class with an explanation or possibly suggest some samples for clarification.

Organize Your Thoughts

Try to resist the urge of getting right down to your first draft. The best academic papers usually start off as great brainstorming sessions and outlines. Avoid false starts, which are often time-consuming and never really let your paper take off. Craft an outline that presents all of the major points you will be making in support of your thesis statement. Work out ways to rearrange their order and make sure they tie logically with one another.

Set Aside Time to Revise

It’s not rare to come up with a fresh idea when you are mid-paragraph into your first draft. Often students will try to incorporate their new idea then and there. This is a pretty bad idea. It’s better to jot down your idea as a separate paragraph altogether then return to your entire essay and revise thoroughly.

Revise Your Thesis

After you have revised your essay, you probably will find that you can benefit from revising your thesis statement. A good way to tell if you need to revise your thesis is to check with your conclusion. If it looks nothing like your central argument then you are best to rewrite the thesis sentence so that it matches the rest of your writing exactly. This will strengthen your paper and lead to much higher grades in class.
