The Causes And Effects On The Rise And Fall Of The Roman Empire


The Roman Empire was a significant period of the human history that was prospered for about seven hundred years. The Roman Empire was collapsed in 476 A.D due to many external and internal causes. The causes and the effects of how the Roman Empire was risen and fallen will be discussed in the short essay.

Reasons for rise of the Roman Empire

The geographical location of the Rome and the natural resources it had been given by the nature were significant causes for the Roman Empire to rise in the rising age. The empire was located between powerful civilisations and being located right on the Mediterranean Sea was a great opportunity for development.

There were powerful emperors who ruled the Roman Empire such as Julius Ceases who were very good at developing the empire on its military power and building the Rome as a great city. The other emperors such as Augustus Octavian and Paz Romana contributed their expertise knowledge and thinking to get the Rome in to Golden age.

Reasons for fall of the Roman Empire

The economic problems were one of the major reasons that caused the Roman Empire to be fallen. There were higher inflation rates and the currency used in the Roman Empire started being weak. The Roman Empire allocated a larger percentage of its money to military and defence activities which caused them to raise the tax rates. Due to the slave labour availability, lots of Romans lost their jobs as the slave labour was cheaper. This caused to collapse the Roman Empire’s economic system. The Roman Empire kept expanding its geographical extent using military acquisitions. When there were more locations acquired, the empire had to allocate more money and human labour to defend the borders. Since the civilians in the conquered areas, hated the Romans, the rebellions were becoming a constant problem. This over expansion caused to break the structure of the wealth management in the empire.

The invasions done by the barbarian tribes were another major reason for the Roman Empire to be collapsed. Rome had been involved in military activities with the Germanic tribes for a long time and in 300 A.D, the barbarian groups had intruded beyond the borders of the Roman Empire. By the year 410, the Visigoth king Alaric had successfully taken over the city of Rome. And finally in year 476 A.D, the leader in Germany Odoacer took a violently driven approach against the Roman Emperor Romulus Augustulus and took over the Roman Empire. After that there were no Roman emperors who had the chance to gain any positions in Italy which marks 476 as the deathblow year of the Roman Empire.
